Think of us as grad school for voice actors

Upcoming Sessions:

Randall Ryan discusses voice acting

Meet Your Guides

Enhance your skills with professional voice directors Randall Ryan and Gillian Brashear

A student of The Voice Director

Develop Your Skills

Become a better voice actor by learning and practicing the critical skills and habits that will set you apart.

Randall Ryan provides voice direction

Live Workouts

Get real-time feedback from directors and other voice actors to improve your performance and make the most of your talent

Refine your art. Define your characters. Design your career.

There are many online options for those who want an intro to voice acting. Or who want to start a side hustle.

This is not one of them.

The Voice Director is committed to helping voice-over professionals develop a style, create and nuance their performances. We help talented individuals grow into artists. Ours is an environment where voice actors can play at the upper extent of their capabilities and inspire one another to elevate their performances and characters.

For one low fee, members receive:

  • Unlimited online workouts (no additional cost)

  • Huge discounts on our online workshops

  • Access to private coaching

  • Valuable Glimpses delivered to their inbox

Join us, and let your voice be heard!

Latest Glimpse

Voice matching a well-known role. Staying in character. Flight cancellations trying to travel to the session. Shannon talks about how to quiet the internal monologue, trust the casting and the director, and focus on performance.

 Let’s Talk Voiceover

Latest Podcast Episode